Fadi Brimo
Dr. Brimo obtained his medical degree from the University of Damascus and his Anatomical Pathology residency training at McGill. Dr. Brimo completed two fellowships in Cytology (McGill) and Genito-Urinary Pathology (Johns Hopkins). He subsequently joined the Pathology Department at McGill in 2010 in which he currently holds the rank of Associate Professor. Dr. Brimo was the recipient of the Canadian Association of Pathology Junior Scientist Award and the chair of the Canadian Society of Cytopathology. He is currently a Staff Pathologist and the Pathology Chief of the Glen site.
Dr. Brimo has written and contributed to more than 190 articles in major peer-reviewed journals as well as in Pathology books, manuals, and International protocols and guidelines, such as the AJCC cancer staging manual, the ICCR reporting guides, the Paris System for reporting urine cytology, and the WHO classification of tumors of the Urinary System and Male Genital Organs.
Dr. Brimo's research activities include morphological, clinical, and basic science studies in the areas of tumors of the genitourinary tract (prostate, bladder, and testis) and cytology. The clinical and morphologic studies are observational or outcome-based and address issues affecting diagnostic surgical pathology, including classification of tumors and original descriptions of histopathologic entities. The basic science work involves collaboration with several other investigators in the division of Urology, the MUHC Research Institute and the McGill Genome Center and focuses on the development of prognostic/predictive biomarkers using tissue microarrays of prostate and bladder cancer as well as the genomic characterization of renal tumors.