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The Enigma of “Evidence-Based Medicine”

12 Jul 2022

I know what you’re thinking. If not evidence-based, what else could medicine be? Well, it could be based on conjecture, hearsay, wishful thinking, anecdote or just plain flim-flam. Indeed,...

Get that Lymph Moving!

6 Jul 2022

Foreign invaders, be they molds on walls, toxins in polluted air, contaminants in food, viruses, bacteria, parasites, or fungi, represent a threat to our health. Luckily, our body has a way of...

Myths About Vitamins are Hard to Dislodge

30 Jun 2022

This article was originally posted in the Montreal Gazette....

Sniffing Benzedrine Inhalers

21 Jun 2022

In 1943, the Smith, Kline and French pharmaceutical company added hot pepper extract to Benzedrine, its popular decongestant inhaler. The fiery taste of capsaicin, the compound responsible for the ...

How Nature Solved the Problem of Too Much DNA

16 Jun 2022

When you consider how babies are made, you bump up against a basic math problem. No need for calculus here, or even the mental gymnastics of carrying the one. It’s a problem of doubling.

Assessing Reports Linking Espresso and Cholesterol

19 May 2022

This article was originally posted in the Montreal Gazette....

The Grapefruit-Drug Interaction

15 Feb 2017

As you might expect, the situation is more complicated than it first seems.


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