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Monks and Beer

10 May 2017

In the Middle Ages much of beer brewing was carried out by monks. Water is a source of many disease causing organisms which cannot survive in alcohol. Trial and error demonstrated that beer...

Borax and slimy concerns

31 Mar 2017

Health Canada recently issued an advisory about minimizing exposure to borax based on some studies that have found developmental and reproductive problems in animals. This raised questions among...

What did Aristotle recommend aloe juice for?

20 Mar 2017

Cleansing the body...internally. You know what Aristotle said to Alexander the Great in 325 B.C.? 'Come here Alex, I have something to show you'.And he showed him a plant. It was the Socotrine...


20 Mar 2017

Mention the word arsenic and our thoughts immediately turn to poison. But there other interesting connections as well. Arsenic rarely is found in nature in its elemental state, it is found as part...

Beer Foam and Artificial Hips

20 Mar 2017

Forty eight years ago there was an epidemic of heart failure in Quebec City. The clue was that the thirty men affected were all beer drinkers. In a round about way, the culprit was the introduction...

Thomas Donaldson and Cryonics

20 Mar 2017

Most people would like to keep their heads. But don't count Thomas Donaldson among them. This mathematician and computer consultant wanted his cut off.And he wanted it to be done while he was...

Masturbation Myths

20 Mar 2017

Valentine’s Day is here and everyone is talking about love!But for many people in our modern society, a fulfilling love life also involves an active and healthy sex life.Although we have come a...

England’s coprolite rush had big effect on world

20 Mar 2017

You’ve undoubtedly heard of the California gold rush of 1849. But any mention of the “coprolite rush” in southern England that took place around the same time would probably draw blank stares. Yet...


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