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Take biotin? For most, better to save your money

24 Feb 2023

This article was originally posted in the Montreal Gazette.

Just say no!

22 Feb 2023

“A spoonful of sucrose helps the medicine go down,” as Mary Poppins told us. But she neglected to say that it also increases our risk of cardiovascular disease. Actually, Mary didn’t say sucrose,...

Vinyl Chloride and the Ohio Train Derailment

16 Feb 2023

The recent Ohio train derailment and subsequent fire that released vinyl chloride into the environment has been a terrifying experience for the nearby population. The accident rekindles memories of...

The Edible Insect Revolution Is Not for Those With Shellfish Allergies

10 Feb 2023

Even if it might gross us out now, experts predict that edible insects will play a significant role in our future diets. Not only are these bugs rich in protein and nutrients, but they can also be...

I Thought of a Good Title for This…But Now I can’t Remember What it Was

1 Feb 2023

I don’t know how many times I’ve used the expression, “I would rather stick rusty needles in my eyeballs.” Like in answer to the question, “would you like to donate to Joe Mercola’s defense fund...

You Don’t Need a Binder in Your Detox Kit, and You Don’t Need a Detox Kit

13 Jan 2023

“You don’t even know what a binder is when you’re doing a parasite cleanse. I came from Western medicine and I didn’t know what a binder was! We didn’t use those!” So says Kim Rogers, who proclaims...

The Demonization of Dietary Oxalate Has Begun

6 Jan 2023

You could call it The One True Cause of All Diseases Club. Admission is based on whether or not you have a mustache and are willing to twirl it a lot. A volcano lair and a love for petting white...

This Pulp Isn't Fiction

4 Jan 2023

I've often watched people do battle with the albedo, trying meticulously to remove every last vestige before popping a segment of "naked" orange into their mouth. Probably the same people who...


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