In the first episode of the television show The Resident, a nurse tells the young protagonist that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States after cancer and heart...
A few years ago, I found myself on a small boat in the Pacific Ocean. The weather conditions were dodgy, but our skipper decided to go ahead with the whale watching expedition. The first couple of...
What causes a disease? We saw this important medical question get raised during the pandemic. Some people refused to accept that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was causing COVID-19 because it failed to...
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated many preexisting problems. One of them is how to vet the avalanche of information flowing down at us on a daily basis. Another is how to properly assess the risks...
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS is being misused by anti-vaxxers to terrify the public. It鈥檚 a shame because VAERS plays a vital role in detecting important but rare reactions...
As more and more people 鈥渄o their own research,鈥 some end up consulting a website called PubMed. An argument I have encountered is that if a scientific paper is listed on PubMed, it must mean this...
The COVID-19 pandemic has attracted a swarm of vocal contrarians like little else in the recent past. These public commentators, often bedazzled with advanced degrees, have painted themselves as...
It has been a little over a year since the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. Medical scientists quickly started testing a barrage of potential therapies...