A recent French study that purports to show a link between the consumption of genetically modified corn and a variety of ailments, including cancer, was just the tasty morsel that critics of...
About one thing there is no doubt. Jenny McCarthy is a very pretty lady. After all she rose to fame as a Playboy Playmate. She has also had a fling with modelling, TV and movies. And she is...
No, you don’t eat it. Neither is it meant to limber up the arthritic joints of snails. You massage it into your face to improve complexion, reduce wrinkles and improve scar lines. At least that’s...
Creatine hit the media big time in 1998 when Mark McGwire hit seventy home runs attributing part of his success to the use of the widely available and legal dietary supplement creatine. And he is...
The calcium issue was raised by Dr Ian Reid of New Zealand. He and his colleagues re-analyzed data from the Women Health Initiative (WHI) which looked at calcium and vitamin D supplements.  The...