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Seems neurosurgeons are not immune to neuroses

Recently a number of people have forwarded me bits of wisdom emanating from Dr. Russel Blaylock, neurosurgeon. While at one time he may have been in possession of an acceptable brain, mental fog now seems to have set in. I have long followed Dr. Blaylock’s rants against food additives, aluminum cookware, fluoridation and dental amalgam. A career in neurosurgery obviously does not confer expertise on these issues. But let’s dig a little deeper into the mind of this man, a mind filled with conspiracy theories.

Recently a number of people have forwarded me bits of wisdom emanating from Dr. Russel Blaylock, neurosurgeon. While at one time he may have been in possession of an acceptable brain, mental fog now seems to have set in. I have long followed Dr. Blaylock’s rants against food additives, aluminum cookware, fluoridation and dental amalgam. A career in neurosurgery obviously does not confer expertise on these issues. But let’s dig a little deeper into the mind of this man, a mind filled with conspiracy theories. He opines that the social drug problem in the U.S. was created by the nefarious former Soviet Union “to weaken the resistance of western Society to Soviet invasion, undermine religion and make the youth unable to resist collectivism.” And, oh yes, the Soviets were also responsible for an epidemic of hepatitis, AIDS, venereal diseases and highly resistant tuberculosis.

According to Blaylock current attempts at health care reform in the U.S. are being masterminded by the self-chosen “Elite” (read President Obama, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and other such organizations) who want to establish a New World Order in which people judged to be a burden on the state, such as the infirm elderly and the disabled are to be removed from society either by positive or negative euthanasia. In Blaylock’s esteemed opinion, “this is really not that far away from the German National Socialist Party’s thinking.” In other words, Obama’s health care reforms have Nazi overtones, with plans to reduce the population of elderly who are bankrupting the social security system. “Knowing they cannot easily pass a euthanasia law or just have them rounded up and exterminated, they (the proponents of socialized medicine) use the medical care system to speed them along to their deaths.” Totalitarianism is coming, and “as the economy worsens, which they can engineer with their Federal Reserve friends, people will be more accepting of such things as euthanasia on the elderly and terminally ill, the insane, the feeble-minded and the chronically ill.”

Vaccines are also one of Blaylock’s many targets. He insinuates that the H1N1 virus may be the product of some pharmaceutical research project gone awry, or that it may even be a man-made virus purposely released by someone with the “Illuminati Depopulation Agenda.” Blaylock appears regularly on right-wing radio programs such as the “Alex Jones Show,” where the popular topics are climate change fraud and the erosion of civil liberties under President Obama. This exemplary physician has also released a document about what people should do if they are vaccinated by force, a ridiculous notion. To counter the dangerous effect of the vaccine, Blaylock suggests immediately placing a cold pack on the site of injection, taking cold showers, and taking a host of dietary supplements ranging from fish oils and vitamins to astaxanthin and zinc. And talking about supplements, this altruist icon also sells his own line of products, including “Brain Repair Formula.” There is no clinical evidence for its efficacy, and if Blaylock takes it himself, which I assume he must, there is at least some anecdotal evidence for it not working.

For further evidence of a brain clogged with mental detritus: 

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