Nursing alumni return to McGill for Homecoming

Event attracts alumni from across Canada

Held on October 24, 2024 at the Ingram School of Nursing, Homecoming attracted McGill Nursing alumni from as close as downtown Montreal and as far as Calgary, Alberta. Whether they graduated six years ago or six decades ago, all were eager to catch up with former classmates over a cup of tea, and to chat with our director, student ambassadors, and faculty.

“Our alumni have been among our most generous donors because they understand the value and worth of a McGill nursing education,” said Director and Associate Dean Lynne McVey, who obtained both her undergraduate and master’s degrees at McGill. She added that while Homecoming offers a chance to reminisce, it is also about the future we wish to build together.

The event featured a PowerPoint presentation prepared by retired Professor Madeleine Buck highlighting our School’s 100-plus year history of nursing excellence, and a tour of our spacious Satoko Shibata Clinical Nursing Laboratories led by Assistant Lab Director Anne-Laurie Beaubrun. Attendees were suitably impressed by the labs, equipped with the latest technology including high fidelity mannequins and Virtual Reality.Ěý

Two women who graduated from McGill Nursing 26 years ago reunite at HomecomingAlumni with baby in baby carrier chats with assistant lab director.


Tea cups with matching saucers.Four alumni gather around the nursing station during a tour of the simulation labs

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