Faculty and staff resources /newsroom/taxonomy/term/1304/all en Social media directory /newsroom/faculty-and-staff/socialmedia/directory <p style="margin-left:40px"><div class="image-caption-container"><img height="341" width="900" class="file-original no-float" src="/newsroom/files/newsroom/directoryimage.png" alt="" /></div></p> <hr /> <div class="two-column-1"> <p>To ensure that visitors to our social media sites can determine that the communities they are engaging with are legitimate McGill accounts, here is our social media directory. (n.b. this list does not include labs, or student-run social media sites or groups). Please <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">info.communications</span> [at] <span class="d">mcgill.ca</span><span class="h"> (subject: Request%20for%20social%20media%20platform) </span><span class="a"> (contact us)</span></span> if you wish to create new social media platform(s).</p> </div> <div class="two-column-2"> <p>It is very important that McGill’s social media channels also project a consistent and coherent look. As such, official social media avatars and high-quality “cover” photography (see <a href="/visual-identity/visual-identity-guide#social">Visual Identity Guide</a>) are required. Please submit a <a href="/visual-identity/customized-social-media-avatars-request-form">customized avatar request</a> form for your faculty, department or unit. Avatars may be created for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. Already have an avatar, but aren't on the Directory? <a href="/newsroom/social-media-directory">Fill out this form</a> to let us know.</p> <p> </p> </div> <p> Wed, 22 May 2013 18:33:01 +0000 laurie.devine@mcgill.ca 18681 at /newsroom Resources /newsroom/faculty-and-staff/socialmedia/resources <p><strong>McGill policies and guidelines:</strong></p> <p style="padding-left:30px"><a href="/secretariat/policies-and-regulations">University Policies, Procedures and Guidelines</a></p> <div> <p style="padding-left:30px">(specifically):</p> <p style="padding-left:30px"><a href="https://mcgill.service-now.com/itportal?id=kb_article&sys_id=2c5fd5ebdb2fbf403e9b9696db9619eb">Responsible Use of McGill Information Technology Resources</a></p> <p style="padding-left:30px"><a href="https://blogs.mcgill.ca/guidelines/">Guidelines for Blogs & Wikis at McGill</a></p></div> Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:29:07 +0000 laurie.devine@mcgill.ca 18207 at /newsroom Social media /newsroom/faculty-and-staff/socialmedia <h2>Social media at McGill</h2> <p>The goal of 㽶Ƶ social media pages is to strengthen our community, which includes students, faculty and alumni. The aim is to provide information about the University to the public and the internal community, celebrate our successes, promote events, publicize campus news and promote networking. </p> <p>McGill University encourages all McGill faculties, departments to become involved in using social media in communications with stakeholders. McGill’s social media team provides guidance to faculties on how best to use social media toward communications goals, as the manager/moderator of an account for department or faculty.  </p> <p>McGill's centrally-managed social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube are carefully managed by the social media team to preserve the trust that we've established with our audiences. </p> <p>We have an audience that expects an authentic, authoritative voice on news and general information about the University.  </p> <p>Through our stories and news on successes of the University community, or campus life, we are proud promoters of the community’s achievements, initiatives, and major University events. </p> <table> <tr> <td>McGill fosters freedom of expression, while valuing respect and collegiality. Participants on our social media channels are expected to treat each other, and us, with respect. We reserve the right to remove the following: Comments deemed offensive, vulgar or profane; comments off-topic and/or unrelated to posted content; content that promotes services or products, content that infringes on an individual's safety, privacy or copyright. A user will be blocked after repeated breaches.</td> </tr> </table> <p>We accept submissions for broadcasting items from the internal community on our social channels, but use our discretion on what we will publish and how it will be framed. Items must be suitable, of interest, and of importance to a majority or an important segment of our audience. The shared items will be framed and shared in our own “voice”. If not of wide appeal to our audience, we can direct you to the many unit, faculty or department social media platforms where items may be more suitable. </p> <p>The views expressed and published on McGill’s social media channels by a participant, invitee, expert, guest or other person are not necessarily the views of McGill. We do not endorse any opinions expressed by users, nor accept responsibility or liability for the comments, statements or claims of users on our accounts.</p> <p>For enquiries or further information about McGill’s social media channels please email <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">info.communications</span> [at] <span class="d">mcgill.ca</span><span class="e"><!--target="_blank"--></span></span></p> <p>Our audiences include: </p> <p>Internal: students, faculty, staff </p> <p>External: prospective students, alumni, journalists, government (municipal, provincial, federal, international), friends of the University, other academic communities and their members. </p> <p>Next:</p> <div class="bl-tpl"><a class="button--outline" href="/newsroom/socialmedia/guidelines">Social media guidelines</a></div> <p> Tue, 12 Jun 2012 15:57:16 +0000 laurie.devine@mcgill.ca 10 at /newsroom