

McGill Cares: Managing Sexual Behaviour in Dementia

Wednesday, June 8, 2022 12:00to12:30
Lucy Barylak

Join us onJune 8, 2022, at noon for the nextMcGill Careswebcast to support informal caregivers. During candid, 30-minute interviews with leading experts, Claire Webster explores topics related to caring for a loved one with dementia.

Managing Sexual Behaviour in Dementia

Lucy Barylak, MSW, is a social gerontology consultant for the CIUSSS-West-Central Montreal and a graduate of the 㽶Ƶ School of Social Work, where she is also a liaison supervisor.

Ms. Barylak has developed evidence-based training for seniors and caregivers, and she lectures in the field of social gerontology and knowledge transfer. She facilitates “Dear Lucy,” an online show funded by the WellMed Foundation in the U.S. that listeners can call in to seek support and ask questions regarding topics related to caregiving. She was the founder and long-standing manager of the Caregiver Support Centre at the CLSC Rene-Cassin, a multi-service respite centre for family and informal caregivers. Ms. Barylak received the Queen’s Jubilee Award for her role in developing a national coalition to support caregivers across Canada.

Ms. Barylak will address the topic of sexual behaviour in dementia and will discuss how to manage situations that can be uncomfortable for caregivers to talk about.

beginning at12 pm EDTonWednesday, June 8, 2022,at which time the link will become public and available.

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