Exchange Experience Reports


Bring your exchange back to McGill

What did you love about your exchange and host university? What do you wish you had known? You’ve been there, lived that, and have so much to share! Take 10 minutes to share YOUR Exchange Experience Report today to help other McGill students choose their next global destination!

What is an Exchange Experience Report?

It's a straight-forward, engaging report form that gives you a chance to reflect on the highlights of exchange, help future McGill travelers make informed exchange choices, and provide helpful feedback about your host university!  You can submit your favorite photos from abroad, break down your experience into your best tips and let McGill know how we're doing in helping you globalize your education!  Make sure to provide detailed answers that will be helpful for students considering going on exchange.

Let's break it down! Exchange Experience Reports have 5 easy-to-complete sections:

  1. Basic Info 
  2. Your Experience, in your words! 
  3. Host University Evaluation 
  4. The McGill Side of Exchange 
  5. Share your Exchange Highlights 

Need a moment to reflect? You can start completing the report, and come back to it later. Our form will save your progress!  

Submit your Exchange Experience Report today!

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