Four Mac Campus students reach finals in McGill Three-Minute Thesis Competition
What is 3MT/MT180?
In the University-wide 3MT/MT180 competition, graduate students have the chance to showcase their leading-edge research before a live audience. With only three minutes and a single slide, students must engage their audience and convey the complexities of their work to a diverse, non-expert audience. Participants may present their research in English or in French and winners will advance to regional and national competitions.
Macdonald Campus finalists in 3MT 2024
Four out of 15 finalists are Macdonald Campus graduate students, including Mehtab Singh, who placed first at the Macdonald Campus 3MT 2024 this year. Congratulations and good luck to all!
Samantha Dizon, Master's, Entomology
Samantha completed her B.Sc. in Biology at the University of Ottawa, and while working at the Canadian National Collection of Insects, she developed a passion for plant-insect interactions and insect biodiversity with a particular love for all things flies. This led her to pursue a master’s degree with Dr. Jessica Gillung at the Lyman Entomological Museum. Her research focuses on the effects of agriculture on pollinator diversity in Quebec cranberry farms. Outside of research, Samantha is passionate about science communication and outreach, and in her spare time, she spends hours baking and painting.
Manon Fantino, PhD, Human Nutrition
Manon est en deuxième année de doctorat en nutrition humaine. Sensibilisée à la nutrition depuis longtemps grâce à sa pratique sportive, elle s’est passionnée pour la recherche afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes du corps humain en interaction avec l’alimentation. Ses recherches actuelles se concentrent sur le rôle des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux dans les comportements alimentaires et les troubles métaboliques tels que l'obésité. En parallèle de son doctorat, Manon travaille à temps partiel comme nutritionniste dans une clinique privée, ce qui lui permet de mieux comprendre les défis auxquels font face les patients au quotidien.
Mariaelisa Polsinelli, PhD, Bioresource Engineering
Mariaelisa has just begun the 1st year of their PhD in bioresource engineering after accepting an offer to fast-track from the master’s program. Their passion for food, sense of adventure, and interdisciplinary background in both computer science and agriculture has led them to explore food-systems around the world and to their current research topic: applying new technologies to model farm fields funded by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada. After graduation, they hope to continue work on creating tools to support food security and farmer resilience in the face of climate change.
Mehtab Singh, PhD, Plant Science
Mehtab obtained his B.Sc. Agriculture (Honours), with a gold medal in plant breeding and genetics from Punjab Agricultural University, India. Why plants look different yet similar always captivated him, but he was unaware of the science behind it, which motivated him to pursue a career in plant science. He joined McGill as a Master’s student and later fast- tracked to a Ph.D. He aims to adapt spring oats to Canadian Agro-climatic conditions by genetically tweaking the flowering genes. He loves product photography and can shoot up your business sales with his stunning shots.