The science fiction TV series, Doctor Who, has captured the imagination of countless viewers over the past five decades by exploring themes such as time travel, regeneration, telepathy, and...
Although most of the Islamic Studies Library's previous exhibits have aimed to showcase the themes, works and wonders contained in the Library, the current exhibit, If Walls Could Speak, explores...
Please join us for a 45-minute tour of art on the McGill campus that is designed for members of the McGill community, the Montreal community, prospective students and their families, and general...
Please join us for a 45-minute tour of art on the McGill campus that is designed for members of the McGill community, the Montreal community, prospective students and their families, and general...
Please join us for a 45-minute tour of art on the McGill campus that is designed for members of the McGill community, the Montreal community, prospective students and their families, and general...
Please join us for a 45-minute tour of art on the McGill campus that is designed for members of the McGill community, the Montreal community, prospective students and their families, and general...
Please join us for a 45-minute tour of art on the McGill campus that is designed for members of the McGill community, the Montreal community, prospective students and their families, and general...
Please join us for a 45-minute tour of art on the McGill campus that is designed for members of the McGill community, the Montreal community, prospective students and their families, and general...