Far from being the most commonly studied form of Islamic art, “jewellery is among the oldest form of decorative art”[1] in Muslim societies, and has a deep and long history in different parts of...
When was the first female professor in Canada appointed? When was the letter J added to the alphabet?
3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9, CA/libraryCategory: Libraries
The Library is pleased to announce that McGill corresponding authors publishing with five Canadian Science Publishing journals now have the option to make their articles open access at no cost....
An album is not just about the sounds on the record. Like sheet music, which creates its visual aesthetic through images and notation, albums cultivate their artistic vision through cover art.527...
Starting January 15, 2023, McGill-affiliated corresponding authors will have the option to make their work open access for no cost in Wiley’s hybrid journals. Review the list of eligible titles...
The Friends of the McGill Library and Stratford Festival are delighted to partner once again on the 2023 annual Shakespeare Lecture in-person at 3461 rue McTavish (McTavish Gates), Montreal, QC,...
Two major parallel infrastructure projects—a new Collections Centre and Fiat Lux will transform the quality of services and spaces the Library offers. Library staff members are preparing for the...