The Institite for the Study of International Development and the McGill Southeast Asia Research Program (SEARP) are glad to announce that Myanmar based gender expert, May Sabe Phyu, has recently...
ISID congratulates Nhu Truong who has just been awarded a Shorenstein postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University. As a Shorenstein Postdoctoral Fellow on Contemporary Asia, Dr Truong will...
Profits from rooibos tea will be shared with South African indigenous San and Khoi communities in a landmark profit-sharing agreement. ISID Professor of Practice Timothy Hodges, co-chair of the...
ISID's Professor Manuel Balán, jointly appointed with Political Science, and Professor Kazue Takamura, Faculty Lecturer, were both honoured with the Principal’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching at...
A continuously educated workforce is essential for achieving sustainable development. Recognizing the importance and status of education, the United Nations General Assembly included education...
Why is access to water a crucial issue in the Middle East and North Africa? Because water matters for people, water matters for the economy, water matters for the environment, and water matters...
The Institute for the Study of International Develoment's Women's Empowerment and Development (WED) Lab and the GrOW Research Series have released a new GrOW Research Bulletin, including an article...
Professor Megan Bradley and ISID release a new policy brief entitled "The Return of Internally Displaced Persons: Patterns, Possibilities and Gaps in Knowledge". The brief provides an overview of...