A note on workload:The schedule, tasks, progression, and target workload percents are all general recommendations, based on the conditions of the particular placement. They should be followed as is possible and appropriate to the placement; however, they are not strict requirements. Variation and discrepancy may occur based on a number of factors, including but not limited to: the CT’s workload, the Student Teacher’s ability and readiness to take on a given workload, the school/class schedule, and the placement’s overlap with the CT’s current unit planning. It is always best for all parties (Student Teacher, CT, Supervisor) to discuss workload when there are changes made and/or if there are concerns. In general, the workload should not be substantially less than recommended but may be increased, if agreed upon by all parties.
- Duration: Fall: 3 weeks (12days; Mon-Thu); Summer: 2 weeks (10 days; Mon-Fri)
- Professional Competency Guide
In 1st Field Experience, Student Teachers act as participant observersand are oriented to the culture and community of schools and begin the process of constructing a teacher identity as a professional educator in training. They interact with various members of the school population, including Co-operating Teachers, resource/support staff and School Administrators. Student Teachers will also spend time, individually or in pairs/trios, with one or more Co-operating Teachers (CT). This 1st Field Experience encourages Student Teachers to reflect on their values, beliefs, interest in, and aptitude for teaching. In addition, it allows them to start working on their professional portfolio and other required written documents (e.g. reflection journal, logbook, etc.). The recommended progression of tasks and workload assignment as well as the assessment scheduleareas follows:
Weekly Check-in:
The Field Supervisor will check-in with the Co-operating Teacher on a weekly basis (either by telephone, e-mail or in-person) in order to ascertain how the Student Teacher is performing and if there are any issues to be addressed. While this is an informal exchange, it has an important purpose and is successful when there is thoughtful and frank dialogue. Check-ins need not be lengthy. No written report is required, although the Field Supervisor should take note of when/how the check-in occurred and any salient points. Check-ins do not interfere with you contacting the Field Supervisor at any time should you need to discuss matters pertaining to the Student Teacher.
Assessment and reporting forms specific to each placement, and instructions on how to complete and submit,can be foundhere. Forms should be submitted to the appropriate parties as they are completed, per the assessment schedule below.
FE1 Written Components:
📓 Weekly Reflection Journal
- The Journal allows Student Teachers to synthesize ideas, thoughts and activities from the week and link practice to theory,as part of their own best practices in reflective teaching and PC development
- Journal content may be free-form but its tone should be professional (i.e. not that of a personal diary)
- The Journal must be kept up-to-date and readily available for consultation at any time (e.g. by the Co-operating Teacher, Field Supervisor, ISA Office).
- In addition to the Journal, students may choose to keep a personal diary; this document is not shared and is a tool for processing individual feelings and experiences
Week |
Overview | |
Placement Preparation |
Week 1 |
Week 2 (& Week 3 - Fall) |