Student elections will no longer be supported on myInvolvement as of June 1, 2024. If you have any questions please reach out to myinvolvement [at]
The McGill job shadowing program is held in collaboration with the McGill Alumni Association each year during Reading Week in various cities and allow students to explore potential career options...
Skills for Social ConfidenceAre you very shy? Would you like to be able to make friends more easily? Are you feeling lonely?Brown Building - Room 3001, CA/involvementCategory: Be well—Healthy...
Skills for Overcoming ProcrastinationHaving difficulty getting started? Do you find yourself putting off tasks? This two hour workshop will help you learn strategies to reduce procrastination and...
Have you demonstrated ingenuity, determination and leadership? Have you become involved in your community? Have you participated in a project that has had a significant impact in your community or...
Feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? In this workshop, you will learn strategies to organize your priorities, increase your productivity, and effectively manage your time.3459 rue...
The Scholarships and Student Aid Office in conjunction with the Frugal Scholar will be presenting a workshop on Frugal Tips n' Tricks as a university student at McGill - come get advice, tips, and...
OSVRSE is hosting a hip-hop dance class, FREE and open to students of all experience levels and capabilities! The class will be a trauma-sensitive, non-judgemental space so that everyone may come...
Persuade your potential employer that you are the candidate they want!HSSL - M3-37A: McLennan Library Building, 3rd floor, CA/involvementCategory:Â Career Planning Service (CaPS)...