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Webinar, CA/involvementCategory: Be well—Resilience
Be well—Self-Knowledge
Macdonald Campus
Macdonald Campus Student Services
Office for Students with Disabilities
Student services
853 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G5, CA/involvementCategory: Be well—Healthy Living
Lead projects—Finances & Funding
Teaching and learning
With cold and flu season slowly picking up again, many McGill students have been asking about accessing the flu vaccine on campus. 3600 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G3, CA/involvementCategory:...
This workshop covers the main steps to creating a literature review for humanities and social sciences topics. Topic selection, finding and evaluating information sources and the structure of the...
As an international student, the job search process can feel particularly daunting. There are work permits to consider, and it can be more challenging to communicate your skills and experience to...
Do you attend classes and struggle taking notes? Do you feel you are taking notes and missing out on what your professor says?Webinar, CA/involvementCategory: Be well—Resilience...
Feel overwhelmed by the amount of papers you found for your literature review?  Learn how to efficiently keep track of authors’ relevant points, and critically comment on the literature so that...