/igsfCategory:Â Inst. for Gender/Sexuality/Feminist Studies
As part of IGSF's Esquisses Series, Visiting Professor Brian Martin (William's College) will present on his current research on "Queer Lumber"...
Panel Discussion: Native Women in the Canadian Prison Industrial Complex...
Resisting Gendered and State Violence: Indigenous Women’s Activism...
Open to the Public: a workshop on the intersection of "trans-" and "performance" in relation to Montréal as a site of translation, transmigration and transidentification.3715 rue Peel, Montreal,...
Event Registration 3700 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 1Y2, CA/igsfCategory:Â Inst. for Gender/Sexuality/Feminist Studies
A Guest Lecture by Dr Sarah Kember, Professor of New Technologies of Communication at the Department of Media and Communications, Goldsmiths, University of London and Convenor of MA Digital Media...
Facebook event page 3480 rue University, Montreal, QC, H3A 0E9, CA/igsfCategory:Â Inst. for Gender/Sexuality/Feminist Studies