Universal Human Rights /humanrights/taxonomy/term/177/all en Sovereignty Reshuffled? A New Global Order and the Future of Human Rights /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/sovereignty-reshuffled-new-global-order-and-future-human-rights By Fatemeh Sadeghi. The authority of international laws have, in recent years, been increasingly challenged and are thus eroding, while the extrajudicial endeavors of governmental bodies in the name of security are prevailing. Governments are using national security and “state of emergency” measures to justify restrictions and violations of human rights internally and internationally. Thu, 28 May 2020 15:56:33 +0000 Fatemeh Sadeghi Givi 2247 at /humanrights Not Victims. Survivors and Activists /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/not-victims-survivors-and-activists By Paula Martins. While communication technologies can be lauded for having opened up freedom of expression in a number of ways, visiting scholar Paula Martins pushes those boundaries in a thought-provoking case study of cyber-harassment, its impacts on women journalists, and thus, on that very same freedom of expression. Tue, 05 May 2020 20:43:40 +0000 Paula Martins 2237 at /humanrights Reclaiming Universal Economic and Social Rights in a Convulsed Legal and Economic Order /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/reclaiming-universal-economic-and-social-rights-convulsed-legal-and-economic-order By Dorothy Estrada-Tanck. What elements of human rights need improved protection? A higher standard of economic, social, and cultural rights need to be protected along with civil and political rights. Tue, 31 Mar 2020 12:15:38 +0000 Dorothy Estrada-Tanck 2235 at /humanrights Inequalities in the Colombian Legal Profession. An Opportunity to Reflect on the Chess Game of Law /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/inequalities-colombian-legal-profession-opportunity-reflect-chess-game-law By Maria Ceballos-Bedoya.The Colombian legal profession continues to exemplify the inequalities experienced by lower-class and female students. This inequality is not limited to Colombia, and goes beyond gender dynamics. Jurists need to address these inequalities. Fri, 28 Feb 2020 21:11:33 +0000 Maria Adelaida Ceballos-Bedoya 2234 at /humanrights Artistic Freedom and the Question of Judicial Independence in Africa /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/artistic-freedom-and-question-judicial-independence-africa By Ayodele Ganiu. In ensuring an open and democratic governance, artists play an important role by addressing political, social and economic issues in ways that appeal to emotions, promote citizens’ right to information, and public participation. Tue, 17 Dec 2019 20:12:38 +0000 Ayodele Ganiu 2188 at /humanrights Reclaiming Universal Human Rights in a Plural Global Order for Critical and Comprehensive Activism /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/reclaiming-universal-human-rights-plural-global-order-critical-and-comprehensive-activism By Mauro Cristeche. To face the challenges of human rights, we should not simply develop a moral stance against injustice and inequalities; we should collaborate on building an alternative and engage in a more comprehensive activism. Mon, 25 Nov 2019 20:37:01 +0000 Mauro Cristeche 2182 at /humanrights On Global Human Rights — Part Two /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/global-human-rights-ii By Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal. In this second piece of a series of two, he proposes a pathway to the global reality of Human Rights, a form of de-centred and evolutive design grounded in the lived experiences of “peoples in struggle and communities in resistance." Tue, 05 Nov 2019 17:17:02 +0000 Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal 2172 at /humanrights Pluralism in Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights – Challenges for realizing human rights in Bangladesh and India /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/pluralism-womens-property-and-inheritance-rights-challenges-realizing-human-rights-bangladesh-and By Arafat Hosen Khan. Although women contribute immensely to all sectors of development, pluralism risks affecting their core human rights and access to land and inheritance. In many developing countries, especially in Bangladesh and India, the laws ensuring women’s property and inheritance rights have proven largely ineffective in promoting their positions. Fri, 11 Oct 2019 14:24:01 +0000 Arafat Hosen Khan 2159 at /humanrights Reclaiming Universal Human Rights for Gender-Based Violence in a Plural Global Order: Opportunities and Challenges /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/reclaiming-universal-human-rights-gender-based-violence-plural-global-order-opportunities-and By Bianca Braganza. Reclaiming human rights in a plural global order is a complex endeavor. It requires Western hegemonic ideas of what “human rights” are be critically analyzed for their implementation in non-Western contexts. But is a universal conception of ‘human rights’ even achievable in a world fraught with different normative paradigms of the way things should be? Wed, 09 Oct 2019 15:29:41 +0000 Bianca Braganza 2158 at /humanrights Traditions of Human Rights: Who Needs Universal Human Rights? /humanrights/article/universal-human-rights/traditions-human-rights-who-needs-universal-human-rights By Frédéric Mégret. What exactly is meant by saying that rights are universal? The author proposes a reconciliation of the dichotomy between universalism and pluralism, in a “universality of traditions of human rights”. Mon, 07 Oct 2019 17:53:03 +0000 Frédéric Mégret 2157 at /humanrights