James McGill Professor Emeritus
PhD (Queen's)
Specializing in the social and legal history of Quebec, Brian Young taught in McGill’s History Department from 1975 until his retirement in 2009. His awards include a Killam Research Fellowship and le Prix Gérard Parizeau. In 2010, he received the Governor General’s International Award for Canadian Studies. He is presently James McGill Professor of History (emeritus). A founding member of the Montreal History Group, a research collective based in the History Department, his research interests centre on the social and cultural experience of the nineteenth-century élite. His publications range from the widely-read text, co-authored with John Dickinson, A Short History of Quebec to George-Etienne Cartier: Montreal Bourgeois, The Politics of Codification: The Lower Canadian Civil Code of 1866, and Respectable Burial: A History of Montreal’s Mount Royal Cemetery. He is presently completing a four-generation study of two patrician families in the history of Quebec.