"Why you need a nurse on your team!" presented by Dr. Peggy Chinn
Peggy L. Chinn, RN, PhD, FAAN is Professor Emerita of Nursing at the University of Connecticut. Her BS in nursing is from the University of Hawaii, and Master’s and PhD degrees from the University of Utah. She is the Editor of Advances in Nursing Science. She speaks and authors books and journal articles on nursing theory, feminism and nursing, the art of nursing, nursing education, and LGBTQ health. She is co-founder and web manager for LavenderHealth and several local community groups. She blogs regularly on her own blog, the Peace & Power blog, as well as on blogs for Advances in Nursing Science and the Nurse Manifest Project. She currently teaches doctoral level courses using hybrid methods (online and face-to-face) for the University of Connecticut, Florida Atlantic University, and Louisiana State University.