
Thanks from Premier Legault for PPE and research on COVID

Published: 8 June 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Principal Fortier recently received thanks from the Premier of Quebec, François Legault, for the support of the McGill community to the health care sector since the beginning of the pandemic. ĚýShe has asked me to share them with you. Ěý

The Premier’s letter includes the following paragraph: Ěý

Je veux Ă©galement remercier du fonds du coeur l’UniversitĂ© pour son soutien au ministère de la SantĂ© et des Services sociaux en cĂ©dant des Ă©quipements de protection de ses laboratoires et en mettant les hĂ´pitaux en contact avec ses fournisseurs. ĚýL’apport de l’UniversitĂ© McGill aux recherches scientifiques concernant la COVID-19 mĂ©rite aussi d’être soulignĂ©. ĚýJe suis convaincu que vos chercheurs feront progresser l’état des connaissances sur le virus. Ěý

Your generosity did not go unnoticed. Ěý


Victoria Meikle

Senior Director, Government Relations


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