Epidemiology Seminar

Suzanne Cadarette, PhD
Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Graduate Coordinator, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toronto, and Senior Adjunct Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
Diffusion of Methodological Innovation in Pharmacoepidemiology
The presentation will introduce concepts related to the diffusion of innovation, comparative case study analysis, and co-authorship network analysis with examples that consider the diffusion of two methodological innovations in the field of pharmacoepidemiology that summarize confounder information into a single score: disease risk score (DRS), and high-dimensional propensity score (hdPS). The presentation will discuss the diffusion of the DRS, yet focus on results from the hdPS case study analysis. Time will be provided for discussion about how best to package methodological innovations for rapid diffusion in practice.
At the end of this session, audience members should be able to…
1. Describe the Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers 2003) model
2. Consider the value of:
- comparative case study analysis
- co-authorship network analysis
- proportional Venn diagrams
- assignment of institutional credit
3. Discuss the diffusion of the high-dimensional propensity score in the field of pharmacoepidemiology
4. Plan / reflect upon how to improve the uptake of methodological innovations
Suzanne M. Cadarette completed her BSc in Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo; MSc in Epidemiology and PhD in Health Services Research at the University of Toronto; and post-doctoral training in pharmacoepidemiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. She is currently Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Toronto, and Senior Adjunct Scientist with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.