During summer of 2022, from May 1st to August 31st, I worked under the supervision of public health and preventative medicine physician Dr. Catherine Dickson to complete my 16-week practicum requirement for PPHS630 within the McGill MScPH program. The practicum was focused on Indigenous health and was through the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB). Â
This opportunity helped me develop core competencies surrounding:Â Â
Population health Â
Determinants of healthÂ
Health promotion Â
Survey planning and developmentÂ
Identification of and collaboration with stakeholders Â
Harm reductionÂ
My time was spent primarily on three major files which were the development of a psychosocial wellbeing survey for Cree youth, communication of substance use information and harm reduction methods, as well as working with the surveillance team. Â