On April 17th, the Faculty hosted an inaugural Toronto Networking Panel event. The event focused on connecting alumni through generations and honing in on how to successful grow and develop...
The Faculty of Dentistry Research Day provides an excellent opportunity for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, research assistants, research associates and residents to showcase their...
The Mystery Masquerade Outreach Gala went above and beyond this year hosting an unforgettable night. The year’s event was the largest gala to date, with 248 guests on hand. The event generated $11...
Two McGill dental students, Natalie Pollock and David Wu were elected to important roles in the FCDSA Council. “We hope to inspire our peers to dream more, learn more, do more, become more”, says...
Professor Elham Emami the Faculty of Dentistry’s next Dean will officially begin her mandate on July 1st, 2018. But she is not a stranger to the Faculty. She has been an Adjunct Professor at McGill...
The Faculty of Dentistry won seven awards totaling over $3 million during the Fall 2017 competition, a testament to the quality and quantity of research being done in the Faculty.