Google Code for Remarketing Tag - Bloom

Victoria Pickering

Course Lecturer
Victoria Pickering
Contact Information
Email address: 
victoria.pickering [at] mcgill.ca
SCS Course Lecturers

Victoria has a proven track record of driving business success for globally competitive organizations by developing strategies that enhance organizational credibility, manage reputations and effectively engage stakeholders.

Her 20 years of experience, both in-house and as a consultant, spans various sectors, including healthcare, telecom, forestry, non-profit and insurance. She has developed creative communication platforms for landmarks of the business world such as: Sandoz (Novartis), the Insurance Bureau of Canada, Labatt, Rogers, National PharmaCom and BDC.

Through expert communication strategy and execution, she has played an important role in: helping position Sandoz (Novartis) as an innovative, research-based partner in healthcare; securing patent protection for prescription medications; offsetting the threat of nationalization to the auto-insurance industry in New Brunswick; and engaging stakeholders through a variety of outreach programs.

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