NMR is Fun
NMR is Fun is back again! This year, the NMR facilities of Université de Montréal, UQAM, and McGill will hold two days of NMR training on June 12-13 in the Arts Building, room W-120 at McGill.  Day 1 will be at a basic level and will cover basic NMR principles, instrumentation, and tips and tricks for 1D and 2D NMR. Day 2 will be more advanced and will cover selective experiments, DOSY and relaxation, and exchange NMR and NOESY/ROESY techniques. There will be a processing workshop each day (any NMR software can be used, and we are grateful to Mnova for providing extra licenses). All are welcome, although if too many people sign up, U de M, UQAM, and McGill participants will have priority. Â
For more information and to sign up, visit .ÌýÌý