Food can trigger overconsumption similar to alcohol and drugs, but it is not the whole story

A large analysis of personality studies has found that people with obesity behave somewhat like people with addictions to alcohol or drugs. But obesity is also a complex condition that cannot be fully explained by the addiction model.

Classified as: alain dagher, Uku Vainik, obesity, phenotype, psychology, food, weight, Neuro
Published on: 30 Oct 2019

When it comes to weight gain, the problem may be mostly in our heads, and our genes

Clinicians should consider how the way we think can make us vulnerable to obesity, and how obesity is genetically intertwined with brain structure and mental performance, according to new research.

Classified as: alain dagher, Uku Vainik, obesity, brain volume, MRI, human connectome project, PNAS
Published on: 28 Aug 2018
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