
Written by theDSH Team*

Une version française de ce billet se trouve.

Classified as: Data for Society Hub, Blog, food insecurity, technology
Published on: 16 Feb 2023

Written by the DSH team*

Une version française de ce billet sera bientôt disponible.

This fall, the (DSH) aims to establish a use case. In this first instalment of our series “All About That Use Case”, the team speaks with project manager Esmaël Mourtaza and solutions architect Luc Véronneau to learn more about what defines a use case and which milestones the DSH is working toward.

Classified as: Data for Society Hub (DSH), Blog, use case, MVP
Published on: 15 Feb 2023

Written by the DSH team*

Une version française de ce billet sera bientôt disponible.

The (DSH) team spoke with The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montréal(CIRM)’s knowledge mobilization coordinator, Audray Fontaine, and associate director Nik Luka about the collaboration between CIRM and the DSH.

Classified as: Data for Society Hub, Blog, social justice, urban challenge, CIRM
Published on: 28 Sep 2022

Écrit par Amélie Ducharme et Julien Vallières*, assistante de recherche et coordinateur du

Classified as: Data for Society Hub, Blog, webinars, LACONDA, computational text analysis
Published on: 21 Jul 2022

Écrit par l’équipe de coordination du PDS* en collaboration avec Samuel Kohn, directeur des programmes chez

An English version of this post will be published shortly.

Classified as: Data for Society Hub, Blog, data governance, technology
Published on: 20 May 2022

Q&A with Jonathan van Geuns

Written bythe DSH team*

Une version française de ce billet sera bientôt disponible.

The (DSH) team spoke with Jonathan van Geuns to learn more about his work with Ana Brandusescu, their involvement in this project, and their objectives for the year.

Classified as: Data for Society Hub, Blog, data governance
Published on: 20 May 2022

Q&A with Solutions Architect Luc Véronneau

Written by the DSH team*

Une version française de ce billet a été publiée .

Classified as: Data for Society Hub, Blog, data pooling, Software
Published on: 20 May 2022
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