In a recent multidisciplinary study published in Advanced Science, researchers build upon the principles of biomimicry by drawing inspiration from the wing of a dragonfly to redesign that of a Boeing 777.

Classified as: Department of Bioresource engineering, Abdolhamid Akbarzadeh Shafaroudi
Published on: 26 Jul 2023

Congratulations to two Macdonald Profs who have received funding through the New Frontiers in Research Fund Exploration stream, which supports high-risk, high-reward and interdisciplinary research: Hamid Akbarzadeh (BRE) for Origami-inspired deployable sensoriactuator soft robots and Mehran Dastmalchi (PltSci) for Plant-derived biosynergists to enhance pesticide efficacy.

Classified as: New Frontiers in Research Fund, Mehran Dastmalchi, Abdolhamid Akbarzadeh Shafaroudi
Published on: 27 Apr 2023
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