
L'Université McGill propose une nouvelle méthode dans l'intégration des étudiants avec un handicap.

Published September 30 2013 |

Classified as: community, social justice
Published on: 2 Oct 2013

Un projet de sensibilisation aux bienfaits de l’écosystème.

Published October 01 2013 | Written by Leo Arcay

Classified as: community
Published on: 2 Oct 2013

Events celebrate McGill’s certification over the summer as first fair trade certified school in Quebec

Published October 1 2013 | Written by Chelsey Ju

Classified as: food
Published on: 2 Oct 2013

Insects are not something you are likely to find on the menu in Canada, but the United Nations suggests they should be.

Published September 27 2013 |

In fact, they're eaten in other parts of the world and some Canadian business people are creating products to meet demand and be a global resource for what they feel is the food of the future.

Classified as: Research, food, land
Published on: 2 Oct 2013

A bold new conference at McGill showcases the growing movement of research creation

Published on September 27 2013 |
By Victoria Leenders-Cheng

Classified as: Research
Published on: 2 Oct 2013

The PQ government says its worried about young families leaving the island of Montreal.

Published on September 19 2013 |
Aired on Homerun (CBC Radio One)

Raphael Fischler is the Director of the School of Urban Planning at 㽶Ƶ. He joined Sue Smith live in studio with his take on the report.


Classified as: community
Published on: 27 Sep 2013

Greg Andrusiak always had a passion for sustainability. In fact, it plays a big part in his role as land negotiator for Encana Corp.in Calgary.

Published on September 23 2013 |
Written byDenise Deveau

Classified as: community, energy
Published on: 26 Sep 2013

How McGill perpetuates ableism.

Published on September 23 | Written byRalph Haddad

Classified as: operations, social justice
Published on: 25 Sep 2013

A group of McGill students has been awarded $1 million for undernourished communities in urban slums.

Find story links below

Classified as: Desautels, food, Hult Prize, land, Aspire, Hult
Published on: 24 Sep 2013

Even if the reputation and rebirth of our city is at stake and there are no shortage of civic subjects to complain about, the will to create change that characterized the provincial election campaign and student strikes last year has yet to be seen or felt with the same passion gearing up for the municipal decision onNov. 3. So how do we engage a new generation of municipal participants and leaders?

Classified as: community
Published on: 16 Sep 2013

Meals using campus grown food at 㽶Ƶ or Bikechain, a student-run DIY repair shop at University of Toronto are some of the initiatives you will witness if you take a stroll on some Canadian campuses.

Published September 09, 2013 |
Written by Shilpa Vasudevan

Classified as: operations, Administration and Governance
Published on: 9 Sep 2013

Les outils des urbanistes sont désormais à la portée des Montréalais qui désirent repenser les lignes de leur métropole, et ce, gratuitement.

Published on August 20, 2013 |Written by Emmanuel Delacour (Agence QMI)

Classified as: operations
Published on: 7 Sep 2013

Zero emission vehicle perfect for sensitive air-quality research

Published on August 14, 2013 |
Written by Neale McDevitt

Classified as: energy
Published on: 7 Sep 2013

Les élèves ayant des problèmes d'apprentissage ou encore des troubles de déficit de l'attention sont bien présents dans les écoles primaires et secondaires.

Published August 6, 2013 |

Classified as: community, academics
Published on: 7 Sep 2013

Published August 2013

Shaping the Next

Design contrains at Montreal's Mount Royal 㽶Ƶ's McIntyre Pavillion, a cutting-edge medical research and teaching facility, led to innovative electromechanical systems that significantly reduced the energy consumption of the building.

Download the PDF

Classified as: energy, operations
Published on: 7 Sep 2013


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