
㽶Ƶ’s Translation and Written Communication unit invites practicing translators to take the following professional development courses.

Specialized Translation 1 / Traduction spécialisée 1 (bilingual, French and English)
Monday and Wednesday; from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., May 2 to June 15 | CCTR 511/CCTR 512 751

Classified as: Translation
Published on: 29 Mar 2016

Four executive board members have been elected to MACES (McGill Association of Continuing Education Students).

Full results are available on the

Classified as: maces executive elections
Published on: 15 Mar 2016

MACES (McGill Association of Continuing Education Students) is holding a referendum from March 15-29, 2016. The referendum is concerning a fee for McGill School of Continuing Studies’ Career Advising and Transition Services.

Classified as: MACEs referendum Career Advising and Transition Services vote
Published on: 15 Mar 2016

The 2016Elections are gearing up! Do you possess the following qualities:

Relevant professional experience?
Solid organizational skills?
Excellent written and verbal communication skills?

If yes, we are calling on you to run in this year's elections! To find out more, .

Classified as: Elections, maces
Published on: 27 Jan 2016

Madeleine Dube and Edith Gagnon are two recent graduates who were surprised to learn that not only did the School provide student scholarships, awards and bursaries, but that they were award recipients. “I didn’t know there were awards for Continuing Studies students,” says Madeleine Dube. “I though they were only for full-time students.”

Read more on, the School of Continuing Studies' online magazine.

Classified as: award scholarship bursaries
Published on: 22 Jan 2016

Michael Pollock is a familiar face at the School of Continuing Studies. Since 1989 he’s completed several courses in different areas of study, and each has helped him reach the next step in his career. He began with the graduate certificate in accounting, which led him to a ten-year career in auditing at PwC. Next was the intensive French language program, which prepared him to complete his MBA in French.

Classified as: Project Management, PMP, PMP exam
Published on: 14 Jan 2016

Language is important for any newcomer, particularly for those who wish to enterthe job market. Communicating in the local language can help you through every step in the process: expanding your professional network, catching the attention of potential employers, and clinching a job interview.These two successful Montreal newcomers have followed that advice.

Read more on, the School of Continuing Studies' newsletter.

Classified as: language, career advising
Published on: 9 Dec 2015

With the first cohort of students successfully graduated, the McGill School of Continuing Studies’ Diploma in Integrated Aviation Management celebrated its official launch with an event at the McGill Faculty Club. The graduate program aims to offer the world’s most comprehensive program.

Read more on, the School of Continuing Studies' newsletter.

Classified as: Aviation
Published on: 7 Dec 2015

Ask Katia Huaman Condo about taking part in McGill’s Semester Abroad with Internship program, and she’ll tell you that she got the best of both worlds: studying at a top-ranked university, and earning work experience in her chosen field.

Read more on, the School of Continuing Studies' newsletter.

Classified as: Semester Abroad with Internship
Published on: 7 Dec 2015

Learn. Connect. Elevate.The latest issue of the McGill SCS Newslettercaptures the experience of all those who come to the School – from the time they enter a classroom until they reach their goal.

Read more on.

Classified as: Newsletter, The Next Page
Published on: 3 Dec 2015

Debbie Blythe, a translator andlecturer at the McGill School of Continuing Studies' Translation and Written Communication unit, has been awarded the Cole Foundation Prize for Translation - French to English. Blythe received the award in recognition for her work onTurkey and the Armenian Ghost: On the Trail of the Genocide.The prize was awarded as part of theQuebec Writers' Federation QWF Literary Awards,the most important literary event of the year for QuebecEnglish-language writers andreaders.

Classified as: Translation, Debbie Blythe, Turkey, QWF
Published on: 19 Nov 2015

It’s been a banner year for Berdj Garabedian, who’s currently working towards his Graduate Diploma in Translation at McGill’s School of Continuing Studies. In June he was the recipient of the McGill Associates Prize in Translation (French-English), and this fall he was awarded this year’s Network of Translators in Education (NTE) Merit Scholarship.

Read more on, the School of Continuing Studies' newsletter.

Classified as: prize, information, Translation, Berdj Garabedian
Published on: 17 Nov 2015

What better way to learn about starting your own business then from someone who’s already done it? Whether you’re lucky enough to have a successful entrepreneur as a teacher, a mentor, or within your network, the advice they can offer is invaluable.

Read more on, the School of Continuing Studies' newsletter.

Classified as: career, entrepreneurship
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

Montreal, 25 September 2015.

Published on: 30 Sep 2015

McGill classes for the 2015-2016 academic year begin on Friday, September 4.

On Friday, September 4, the normalFriday schedule of course lectures, labs and conferenceswill be replaced by a Monday schedule.

To assist you in determining which courses will be taught on that day, please consult McGill'sKey Academic Dates page.

Classified as: start date
Published on: 2 Sep 2015


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