Title: Stochastic calculus for the theta process.805 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9, CA/mathstatCategory:Â Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Science
Interested in learning how to cope more effectively with the stress and anxiety of tests? Join this workshop to acquire the skills to better manage test anxiety and feel comfortable utilizing these...
Discussion Topic: Dreams!! MORSL’s Mysticism Discussion Group is a place to learn and converse about spiritual practices and experiences across traditions.Office of Religious and Spiritual Life,...
Unsure of where to start? No need to wait to see an Access Advisor one-on-one! Â Join Access Advisors, Virginie and Connie, to get started on your wellness planning./involvementCategory:Â Be well...
Are you curious about dreams? Join us for the first installment of Mysticism Discussion Group, when we'll discuss this fun topic. This group is a place to learn and converse about spiritual...
MORSL’s Mysticism Discussion Group is a place to learn and converse about spiritual practices and experiences across traditions.Office of Religious and Spiritual Life, 3610 McTavish room 36-3 (3rd...
Plurie’Elles will be screened in French.McCall MacBain Arts Building, 853 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC Arts 150, CA/involvementCategory: Dean of Students