Faculty of Law, Moot Court, Room 100, 3660 Peel, CA/channels-contributeCategory: Media@McGill
You are invited to attend an event on September 22, 2016 (5:30 – 8:30 pm)Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, 3801 University Street, CA/channels-contributeCategory: Dept. of Biology...
Master big data and business analysis decisions to drive success...
Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, August 2nd at 1:00pm, Stewart Biology Building, Room W4/12...
Develop an Advanced Strategic Mind...
Develop comprehensive skills for project success from start to finish...
Conclude win-win agreements with collaborative negotiations...
Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, July 27th at 12:00pm, Stewart Biology Building, Room W4/12...
Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, July 26th at 9:30am, Stewart Biology Building, Room W4/12...