Cet atelier est conçu pour les étudiant·es apprenant le français langue seconde. Il n’est pas destiné aux étudiant·es ayant le français comme langue première. 3600 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A...
Looking for career ideas, information, inspiration, motivation and advice?! Come to Work Your BA events to explore options, learn about different fields, and connect with McGill Alumni....
Interested in a Policy Career in the Government of Canada?680 Sherbrooke West, room 650, Montreal/involvementCategory: Career Planning Service (CaPS)
Plan Your Career—Career Knowledge
Student services
3600 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0G3, CA/involvementCategory: Career Planning Service (CaPS)
Plan Your Career—Applying & Interviewing
Student services