
Susana Seguin (UniversitĂ© Paul-ValĂ©ry- Montpellier 3 – IRHIM) & Natalia Zorrilla Sirlin (Ď㽶ĘÓƵ – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 10:00to12:30
Room 1051, Sherbrrok 680, CA

And Philosophy Created Woman / And Woman Created Philosophy : Disciplinary Intersections around Gender Equality in Early Modernity.

"Female Figures in Clandestine Manuscripts: Which Woman for the Philosophical Underground,?"Ěý (UniversitĂ© Paul-ValĂ©ry- Montpellier 3 – IRHIM)

"A Manuscript Critique of Poulain de la Barre’s Historical Conjecture on the (In)Equality of the Sexes: SupĂ©rioritĂ© de l’Homme sur la Femme, ou l’InĂ©galitĂ© des Deux Sexes,"Ěý (Ď㽶ĘÓƵ – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
10:00 AM-12:30 PM
Location: 680 Sherbrook Room 1051

Organizers: Eleonora Alfano and Natalia Zorrilla Sirlin.

We kindly ask all those who want to participate to fill out theĚý.


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